Ohmkoi is an artistic interpretation of the sense and non-sense of performing rituals. The film focuses on rituals, performed by Hindus in rivers like the Ganges or Yamuna in India. Holy rivers in the Hindu perspective, because they originate in the Himalayas, mainly in the area around mount Kailash. Kailaish is considered the center of the universe in Hindu mythology. A repetitive sequence of images shows a woman dressed in a red sari, worn usually by Indian brides, carrying out a seemingly meaningless action. Continuously and undisturbed by the presence of living and dead Koi-carp, she stands in the water as a symbol of the cycle of life. The swimming Koi emphasize this element by their cultural connotative meaning: abundance. The images are accompanied by a similar repetitive musical-accord emanating from the cords of the Indian Tampura, it follows the rhythm of the waterflow. The Tampura is said to be the instrument of the soul. By bringing all these different cultural elements together I aim to investigate the sole claim of several cultures on specific rites, rituals and customs, and instead wish to express universal meaning in an artistic individual manner. That life as we know it as human beings is just a fraction on the universal timescale; human presence is like the scooping of the water from one place to the other: there is no sense or purpose. Humanity tries to give meaning to the presence of life but the river will keep flowing with or without us.